
How to recruit lords mount and blade warband
How to recruit lords mount and blade warband

You may dissolve a Patrol and take back troops but be warned, you may only take all troops or none, so try to keep patrol capacity at least 1 pint below your main party maximum capacity.

how to recruit lords mount and blade warband

You may give troops and issue orders to this party. # You may tell any soldier from your army to form Patrol. # New kingdom names, based on centre you captured.

how to recruit lords mount and blade warband

Order your lords to stay in their castle to garrison it. You can't have more lords than you have centres. # From Camp menu you can recruit 20 new lords. # If you capture a town or a castle without claimant or without oath you can create a new kingdom. # generally all soldiers are better equipped and more soldiery and therefore more dangerous. # new armor and new helmets fro OSP Project and 1257 AD. # new equipment by Luigi (lots of helmets and pikes, hallberds, some new armor). # almost all units redone, all lords, soldiers, militias, bandits, sea raiders, etc. from Medieval Duke and Mercenaries Altman version by Luigi (tweaked by Altman).

how to recruit lords mount and blade warband

Thank you very much mate! You made a dream come true! Most of work in implementing the play features was done by a wonderful man vonmistont. Praven reconstructed (easier to get to the Guild Master)

how to recruit lords mount and blade warband

New crosbowmen troops, Beserker for Nords and Heavy Swordsman for Swadians Swadians reequipped and twaeked, all units have new horses, factions more unique So that means 135% if you don't have the battlesizer. The mod is meant to be played on hardest settings without saving possibility. It's an upgraded version Medieval Duke and Mercenaries by Luigi with my new troops and lot of nice kingdom features. This mod is compilation of mods combined into one by my ideas. RULE YOUR OWN KINGDOM WITH A TRUE MEDIEVAL ARMY. Lords and Realms is a mod for Mount & Blade, created by Nick Altman.

How to recruit lords mount and blade warband